Russian general's announcement raises alarm bells

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.10 - 2023 7:55 AM CET

The announcement from Putin's general raises alarm bells.

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As tensions continue to escalate, a recent interview with a Russian General has sent shockwaves across Europe.

The General's statements have raised questions about Russia's long-term military objectives, especially in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The Warning from Russia

In a candid interview on Rossija 1, a state-run channel that consistently supports the war and disseminates Putin's propaganda to a vast TV audience,

Russian General Andrej Mordwitschew revealed Russia's military future plans.

He stated that the invasion of Ukraine is merely an "intermediate stage" in a larger European conflict.

The General also touched upon the fact that the war in Ukraine has been ongoing for over a year and a half, with no end in sight. He emphasized that Russia needs to be patient, stating, "When we talk about attacking Eastern Europe, it will naturally take longer!"

General Mordwitschew holds the third-highest rank within the Russian armed forces and has been one of the leading commanders in Ukraine since the invasion began in 2022.

His statements, broadcasted through state channels, could serve as a wake-up call for Western nations and NATO, who have been accused of not taking Moscow's previous announcements seriously enough.

The General's comments could potentially benefit Ukraine by counteracting war fatigue in the West.

Eastern European and Baltic governments may also feel vindicated by this ominous backdrop from Russia. The prevailing message since February 2022 has been that Putin must be stopped on Ukrainian soil before the situation worsens.