Ukraine's First Lady Hopes for a Change: No More Presidency for Zelensky

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.02 - 2023 8:38 AM CET

Ukraine's First Lady Hopes for a Change.

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In a candid interview with The Economist, Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska expressed her desire for President Volodymyr Zelensky not to seek re-election. Her comments come amidst ongoing discussions about Ukraine's political future and the timing of its next national election.

Zelenska's Vision for Post-Presidency Life

Zelenska shared her personal views on her husband's political career, stating, "I don't want him to be president for another term or two terms.” Her remarks reflect a longing for a return to normalcy and family life, disrupted by the demands of the presidency.

She further elaborated on her hopes for the future, envisioning a time when her family can reunite and live together continuously. "After that, we’ll take a vacation,” she added, indicating a desire for a break from the intense pressures of political life.

Debate Over Upcoming Elections

Ukraine is currently grappling with the question of whether to proceed with national elections in March next year as initially planned. The debate has been intense, considering the country's challenging circumstances.

President Zelensky himself weighed in on the matter in November, suggesting that it was "not the right time" for elections. His statement reflects the complexities of conducting national polls amidst the ongoing conflict and political turmoil.

Zelenska's comments and the ongoing debate over the elections underscore the personal and national challenges faced by Ukraine's first family and the country at large. Her perspective offers a glimpse into the personal sacrifices and considerations behind political leadership in times of crisis.