Top 5 Holiday Vacation Destinations This Christmas

Written by Henrik Rothen

Dec.20 - 2023 3:05 PM CET

Top 5 Holiday Vacation Destinations This Christmas.

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As the holiday season approaches, a wave of excitement and anticipation sweeps across the globe. Amidst the festive cheer, a recent report from InsureMyTrip has shed light on an intriguing aspect of holiday travel – the costs. This year, travelers are set to embark on journeys that are not just about destinations but also about the evolving economics of travel.

According to InsureMyTrip, a record number of travelers are expected to take to the skies and seas this holiday season. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) anticipates a significant surge in air travel, with December 21, 2023, marked as the busiest day.

Nearly 49,000 flights are expected to take off on the Thursday before Christmas, signifying a robust return to travel post-pandemic.

The allure of holiday destinations remains strong, with the United States, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, the United Kingdom, and Costa Rica topping the list for land vacations. For those seeking the tranquility of the seas, the Bahamas, Mexico, the Caribbean, Antarctica, and again, the United States, emerge as the preferred cruise destinations.

However, this resurgence in travel comes with a notable increase in costs. InsureMyTrip's analysis reveals a fascinating trend – while the average cost of a domestic land vacation has risen modestly by 1% from last year, reaching an average of $4,355, the spike in cruise vacation costs is more pronounced. The average expense for a domestic cruise has soared by 34%, jumping from $3,755 in 2022 to $5,043 in 2023.

The trend is similar for international travel. The cost of an international land vacation has escalated by 26%, with the average expenditure now standing at $7,402, compared to $5,876 last year. International cruise vacations have also seen a 20% increase, with the average cost rising to $6,804.

These figures, derived from an analysis of travel insurance policies sold for trips between December 21, 2022, and January 1, 2023, and the corresponding dates in 2023-2024, offer a window into the changing dynamics of holiday travel expenses.

InsureMyTrip, renowned for empowering travelers with comprehensive travel insurance solutions, stands at the forefront of this revelation. Their commitment to providing travelers with the best possible insurance decisions is more crucial than ever in this landscape of rising travel costs.

As holiday spirits rise and trips get booked, this report from InsureMyTrip not only serves as a guide for budgeting and planning but also as a testament to the enduring appeal of travel, despite economic shifts. The joy of exploring new destinations and the warmth of reuniting with loved ones during the holidays evidently outweigh the financial considerations for many, marking this season as a time of joyous reunions and adventurous explorations, albeit with a higher price tag.