Electric cable beatings: Harrowing account of Jewish hostages' treatment in Hamas hands

Written by Jeppe W

Dec.01 - 2023 12:23 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com

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According to The Jerusalem Post and a recent N12 report, Jewish hostages in the Gaza Strip faced significantly harsher treatment compared to Thai nationals also held captive by Hamas.

The report emerged following the release of Thai hostages under a temporary truce between Israel and Hamas. These individuals, upon their release, detailed the discriminatory and brutal conditions they witnessed.

Thai hostages who were recently freed described their captivity, revealing that while they received minimal food, the Jewish hostages endured more severe conditions.

"We ate one pita a day, and a can of tuna was divided among four people," one of the Thai hostages reported. More alarmingly, they disclosed that Jewish hostages were subjected to physical abuse, including being beaten with electric cables.

This disparity in treatment highlights the targeted hostility towards Jewish hostages by Hamas.

The report indicates that while all hostages experienced harsh conditions, Jewish individuals were under constant surveillance and faced additional physical abuse, underscoring a disturbing level of discrimination based on religious and ethnic identity.

The release of the Thai hostages was part of a broader negotiation under the temporary truce between Israel and Hamas. Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara publicly welcomed the release of the Thai nationals, marking a small step in the ongoing conflict in the region.

However, the revelations from these hostages shed light on the grim reality of captivity under Hamas, particularly for Jewish hostages. The international community and humanitarian organizations have raised concerns over such discriminatory treatment and the overall conditions of hostages in conflict zones.

The recent developments and accounts from the released hostages have prompted calls for increased efforts to ensure the safety and humane treatment of all individuals held in captivity, regardless of their background or identity.