Pentagon and Greece Discuss Defense Relations

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.24 - 2024 7:51 AM CET

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin discussed defense relations and support for Ukraine with Greek Defense Minister Nikos Dendias.

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US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with Greek Defense Minister Nikos Dendias, discussing various topics including bilateral defense relations, Greece's role in maritime security in the Red Sea, and Greece's continued support for Ukraine.

The conversation took place amid reports suggesting that Greece and Spain are under pressure from their EU and NATO allies to provide Ukraine with additional air defense systems.

Topics of Discussion

As reported by European Truth, the discussion focused on bilateral defense relations, Greece's role in Red Sea security, and the country's future support for Ukraine.

Austin expressed gratitude to Dendias for Greece's consistent material and training support for Ukraine and its participation in the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (known as the Ramstein format). The Pentagon chief also commended Greece's efforts in protecting maritime trade in the Red Sea.

The ministers also discussed international efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Pressure on Greece and Spain

The conversation between the US and Greek defense ministers occurred amid reports that Greece and Spain are under pressure from their EU and NATO allies to supply additional air defense systems to Ukraine.

The leaders of these countries, whose armed forces possess over a dozen Patriot systems along with other assets like the S-300, have been told that their security needs are less urgent compared to Ukraine's, as they don't face an immediate threat.

Commenting on these reports, Greek government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis emphasized that Greece has already provided "tangible help" to Ukraine and its people.

Spain's Foreign Minister, when asked about supplying Kyiv with the Patriot system, sidestepped a direct answer, stating that Spain "will continue to do everything in its power" to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia.