Russia's crackdown on LGBT movement: Supreme Court holds secret hearing

Written by Jeppe W

Nov.30 - 2023 11:19 AM CET


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The Russian Supreme Court has commenced a closed-door review of a lawsuit brought by the Justice Ministry seeking to designate the "international LGBT movement" as an "extremist organization."

This legal action, initiated on November 30, has raised significant concerns about the escalating repression of LGBT rights in Russia.

During the first hearing, access to the courtroom was restricted solely to Justice Ministry officials, leaving no representation for the defendant.

Media coverage of the proceedings was also limited, with journalists relegated to a separate area where the hearing was broadcasted.

The court's press service has indicated that journalists will be allowed into the courtroom only when the judge is ready to announce the decision.

This move by the Russian government represents a further clampdown on LGBT rights, aligning with the country's increasingly conservative stance on social issues.

The lack of defendant representation and the closed nature of the hearing have drawn criticism from human rights groups and international observers, who view this as a step back for inclusivity and personal freedoms in Russia.

The situation remains a point of concern, as the outcome of this legal process could have far-reaching implications for LGBT individuals and groups, not only in Russia but potentially affecting international perceptions and policies related to LGBT rights.