Tragic Outcome in Hostage Crisis: Hamas Announces Deaths of Two Israeli Hostages

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.15 - 2024 6:44 PM CET

Photo: Hostage and Missing Families Forum
Photo: Hostage and Missing Families Forum
Hamas Announces Deaths of Two Israeli Hostages.

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The Hamas terror organization has announced the deaths of two Israeli hostages, Yossi Sharabi, 53, and Itai Svirsky, 38.

This news was conveyed through a video released by the Gaza-based Islamist group, featuring Noa Argamani, 26, who reported the demise of her fellow captives.

According to Jpost, the video, which follows a series of teased announcements by Hamas, claimed that the hostages were killed as a result of IDF airstrikes.

Argamani, in her statement, described the harrowing moments of the attack. "We were in a building that was bombed by an IDF airstrike, an F16 fighter jet. Three rockets were fired, two exploded, and one did not. We were buried under rubble along with Al Qassam soldiers. Unfortunately, we could not save Yossi," she recounted.

Argamani further detailed the events leading to Svirsky's death, stating, "After being relocated to another place, Itai was hit by an IDF airstrike during transportation and did not survive." She emphasized that both Sharabi and Svirsky's deaths were a direct result of IDF airstrikes and pleaded for an end to the violence and their safe return home.

This announcement marks a grim turn in the hostage situation, highlighting the volatile nature of the conflict and the use of psychological warfare tactics by Hamas. The group has a history of engaging in such warfare, often involving hostages and misinformation.

The incident calls for urgent attention to the complexities and dangers inherent in hostage crises, especially in conflict zones.