Ukraine's bold move: SSU allegedly paralyzes Russia-China railway connection

Written by Jeppe W

Nov.30 - 2023 11:59 AM CET


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In a bold move that signals a significant escalation in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is believed to have orchestrated a major explosion on the Baikal-Amur Mainline, a crucial railway link between Russia and China.

This event, which took place in the early hours of November 30 in Buryatia, Russian Federation, has effectively paralyzed a key route used by Russia, including for military supplies.

A source within law enforcement agencies, speaking to Ukrainska Pravda, confirmed the SSU's involvement in this strategic strike.

The explosion occurred in the Northern Tunnel. Bessolov, damaging the only serious railway connection between Russia and China.

The incident involved the detonation of four explosive devices during the movement of a freight train, causing significant disruption and challenges for Russian railway workers and the Federal Security Service (FSB) in addressing the aftermath.

While the SSU has not officially commented on these events, the implications of this operation are far-reaching. It represents not only a direct hit on Russia's logistical capabilities but also a message of Ukraine's readiness to extend its countermeasures beyond its borders.

The targeting of such a vital infrastructure element underscores the increasing intensity and complexity of the Ukraine-Russia war.

This development has drawn the attention of international observers, as it could potentially have broader geopolitical repercussions, affecting not just the war in Ukraine but also Russia's connections with key allies like China.